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Albany Coast Reverse Osmosis (Acro) Plant Augmentation

Albany Coast Reverse Osmosis (Acro) Plant Augmentation

Albany Coast Reverse Osmosis (Acro) Plant Augmentation

Albany Coast Reverse Osmosis (Acro) Plant Augmentation

Amatola Water seeks to inform all stakeholders about the developments that are currently taking place at Albany Coast Reverse Osmosis Plant (ACRO Plant) at Bushman’s River Mouth.

Amatola Water is embarking on a short term intervention, to increase the water production from 2.5ML/d (Megalitres per day) – 3.9ML/d, as the current volumes are not sufficient to meet peak demand and enable short term development plans. This intervention includes reconstruction of the raw water storage reservoir, installation of an additional reverse osmosis treatment train and a research/pilot project to investigate alternative technology for raw water supply (in conjunction with the Water Research Commission).

ACRO Plant was inherited by Amatola Water Board in 2010, from the now disestablished Albany Coast Water Board, with an existing environmental authorisation, and continues to operate under the same conditions. The augmentations that are currently taking place are within the authorised footprint. All efforts are employed to ensure that there is no disruption to the environment, in the process of delivering adequate supply of potable water to the communities and businesses of Ward 3 and 4, which is dire.

Amatola Water is also finalising a Master Plan process to ascertain the future needs, based on projected plans across sectors. Environmental matters are part of the integrated planning process and are central to improving environmental management and compliance at the ACRO Plant. To this end, Amatola Water has engaged with necessary authorities to alert them of the emergency nature of the current activities that are confined within the boundary of the ACRO Plant, as well as some necessary and urgent maintenance work, in order to meet water demands of the 2019 /20 holiday season.

Amatola Water remains committed to the provision of potable bulk water in a sustainable and environmentally friendly manner. 

Issued by

Amatola Water

Communication and Stakeholder Unit

043 707 3734 / 08335777953