Kenton on Sea is ravaged by lack of adequate water supply lately due to cable theft that is consistent in our sand dunes boreholes at Diaz Cross. Amatola Water which is a bulk water supplier in Ward 3 & 4 is facing an enormous bill of replacing cables that get stolen every week at Diaz Cross boreholes. The plant is also damaged because of these unanticipated intermittent electricity supply caused by cable theft in the area.
It has paid huge amounts of money in fixing damages caused by cable theft in Albany Coast Reverse Osmosis Plant at Kenton on Sea. The theft of this essential infrastructure does not only rob Amatola Water thousands of Rands, it also robs people of Kenton on Sea, water supply which is a basic service. This has worsened during the pandemic wherein people have to heighten their hygiene and wash hands regularly. Amatola Water has now entered into an exercise of replacing cables weekly. In the period of fixing the boreholes, no water production takes place at the Diaz Cross pump station.
Albany Coast is a reverse osmosis plant that has recently been upgraded to meet water supply demands for these two wards (ward 3 & 4). This was done last year in an effort to bring better services to the people, now it looks like this theft undermines the effort of betterment of people’s lives as people remain without water for days in the area.
Today, only five out of seven boreholes are running at Diaz Cross which results to low reservoir levels and implementation of water restrictions in Kenton on Sea. As long as there is consistent theft of these cables, supply of water in these two wards will remain a challenge. We urge community members to report or rebuke this behaviour in strongest terms because it disadvantages the wellbeing of our people.
“Cable theft takes away a lot of people’s livelihoods, especially in the townships. It’s also has a severe impact on our communities, who are consistently staying without water which is a basic right”. Says the acting Chief Executive of Amatola Water Ms Boniswa Hene.
This emerging vandalism trend is costing Amatola Water budget that is supposed to be utilised to enhance water supply in other areas. We therefore request community members to join forces and collaborate with Ndlambe Local Municipality, South African Police Services, Chamber of Business and Ratepayers association in fighting this criminal element.
The end
Issued by Amatola Water
For more information contact Nosisa Sogayise, Manager: Stakeholder and Communications on 083 3577 953
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