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Skills development

Graduate Trainee Programme

Our Graduate Trainee Programme offers an exciting opportunity for Engineering graduates to learn, stretch themselves and their skills, and grow. The Graduate Trainee Programme is a 12 month, full-time programme that introduces candidates to extensive learning, and is offered to Mechanical, Electrical and Civil Engineering graduates.


We offer learnerships to dynamic and self-motivated individuals with the intention on developing rare but critical skills that may be relevant to our business activity and the water sector as a whole. The learnership programme runs for 12 months and is geared towards both employed and unemployed people, mostly the youth with Maths and Science as their subject choice in Grade 12.

In-Service Training

In this experiential learning programme, learners gain practical experience in line with their studies. Based on their academic performance, students are selected and placed with various departments within our organisation. This programme ranges from 6 - 12 months aims to provide opportunities to tertiary students who are in their final year of study to complete their required practical training.

This opportunity is open to students who are studying towards careers in the Scientific and Engineering fields.

Bursary Scheme

Our bursary programme addresses the demand for high priority skills and is aimed at attracting selected full-time students in the Engineering field. Severe shortages in numbers and the quality of graduates in this field have led us to invest in this human capital development stream, so as to strengthen the national pool of graduates that enter the job market.

The bursaries are awarded to financially needy students studying towards an Engineering Degree in any of the institutions in the Eastern Cape.

At Amatola Water we understand that people are our greatest asset. It is for this reason that various skills development opportunities are made available to self-motivated individuals who are interested in growing their skills in the water sector. These development opportunities include bursaries, a graduate programme, in-service training as well as learnerships.

For those interested in joining the Amatola Water team, browse our Current Vacancies.